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How to Read A Daily Tarot Card -Beginning and The End of the Day

Reading a daily tarot card at the beginning & end of the day is a great way to learn tarot, what the cards mean as well as how to read tarot for yourself.

As a beginner, learning to read the tarot can seem difficult and daunting. In a tarot spread, the cards don’t sit in isolation from one another, they interact, their meanings combine, and sometimes their meanings go right out of the window… So where do you start with learning to read tarot? A daily tarot card is a good place.

The daily tarot card can be approached in two distinct ways: either at the beginning of the day or at the end of it. Or both, which is three… Let me explain.


Reading the daily tarot card at the beginning of the day can be a great way to start your day with a sense of purpose and focus. It can help you set an intention for the day, provide guidance and insight, and offer a sense of direction. Here are some tips for reading the daily tarot card at the beginning of the day:

  1. Take some time to quiet your mind and focus on your breath. This will help you bring a sense of calm and clarity to your reading.

  2. Choose a tarot deck that you feel comfortable with and shuffle the cards while thinking about your question or intention for the day.

  3. Draw a single card and place it in front of you. Take a moment to look at the card and its imagery. What symbols or themes stand out to you?

  4. Look up the meaning of the card in a tarot book or online resource. Pay attention to the keywords associated with the card and its traditional meanings.

  5. Reflect on how the card's message applies to your question or intention for the day. What guidance or insight does it offer you?

  6. Consider how you can integrate the card's message into your day. For example, if the card represents resilience or determination, you might set an intention to stay focused and persistent in the face of challenges.

Remember that tarot reading are not set in stone and should be interpreted in a way that feels meaningful and relevant to you. Trust your intuition and allow the cards to guide you on your journey.


Reading the daily tarot card at the end of the day can be a great way to reflect on your day and gain insight into any challenges or lessons you encountered. It can also provide guidance for the next day or help you process and make sense of your experiences. Here are some tips for reading the daily tarot card at the end of the day:

  1. Take some time to quiet your mind and focus on your breath. This will help you bring a sense of calm and clarity to your reading.

  2. Choose a tarot deck that you feel comfortable with and shuffle the cards while thinking about your experiences and any challenges or lessons you encountered throughout the day.

  3. Draw a single card and place it in front of you. Take a moment to look at the card and its imagery. What symbols or themes stand out to you?

  4. Look up the meaning of the card in a tarot book or online resource. Pay attention to the keywords associated with the card and its traditional meanings.

  5. Reflect on how the card's message applies to your experiences and lessons from the day. What guidance or insight does it offer you?

  6. Consider how you can integrate the card's message into your next day or future. For example, if the card represents a need for rest and relaxation, you might plan to take some time for self-care or set an intention to prioritize your well-being.

Remember that tarot reading are not set in stone and should be interpreted in a way that feels meaningful and relevant to you. Trust your intuition and allow the cards to guide you on your journey.


Here are some examples of daily tarot card readings and how the cards' messages might be interpreted: Example 1: Question: "What can I focus on today to have a successful and productive day?" The card is drawn: The Ace of Pentacles The Ace of Pentacles is a card of abundance, prosperity, and new opportunities. It suggests that focusing on financial or material goals may be beneficial today. It could also indicate that taking practical steps towards achieving your goals, such as making a plan or taking action, will be productive. Example 2: Question: "What challenges might I face today and how can I overcome them?" Cards are drawn: The Tower and The Chariot The Tower is a card of upheaval, disruption, and change. It suggests that you may face challenges or unexpected events today that disrupt your plans or cause uncertainty. The Chariot is a card of determination, drive, and control. It suggests that to overcome these challenges, you may need to stay focused, take control of the situation, and persevere despite any setbacks. Example 3: Question: "What can I do to feel more fulfilled and happy today?" The card is drawn: The Star The Star is a card of hope, inspiration, and renewal. It suggests that focusing on your dreams, goals, and passions will bring a sense of fulfillment and happiness. It also indicates that taking time to rest, relax, and recharge will be beneficial. Remember that these are just examples and that the messages of the tarot cards will vary based on your individual circumstances and the context of your reading. Trust your intuition and allow the cards to guide you on your journey.

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